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  • economic development (2)
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Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, data analytics, fleet, industrial engineering

Reliability Based Maintenance and Emissions Reduction for Bus Fleet

Mr. Irick launched a rigorous system-wide review while leveraging of advances in technology and staff development for the large city bus system under his management.  This resulted in improvements in several key areas by Mr. Irick and his management team: Tripling Mean Distance (miles) Between Failures (MDBF) in...

Operations Improvements, Projects, automatic vehicle location, commuter rail, fleet, infrastructure

Wayside Monitoring and Diagnostic System (WMDS)

We worked to implement extensive on-board diagnostic and monitoring systems for rolling stock on behalf of a major passenger carrier in order to ensure fleet reliability and minimal cost.  Prior to the implementation of WMDS systems, the carrier relied on paper reports from operating staff to track failure...

Planning & Management, Projects, commuter rail, fleet, infrastructure, investment planning

Rolling Stock Maintenance Shops and Yards Master Plan

Mr. Kesich provided direction into the on-going design and development of a comprehensive Shops/Yards Capital Plan to support current and future rolling stock maintenance/repair/dispatchment activities.  At this carrier, several maintenance facilities were in need of significant modernization due to aging equipment, but also at the same time significant...

Uncategorized, commuter rail, fleet

Major Fleet Overhauls and Replacements

For over thirty years, Mr Kesich was directly involved with the overhaul and replacement of rolling stock fleets on the largest commuter railway in the United States.  This system transitioned from a worn-down fleet that was a mixture of those inherited from predecessor railroads and acquired secondhand, to...

Operations Improvements, Projects, change management, commuter rail, fleet, infrastructure, investment planning, operating techniques, signal system

Design and Implementation of Positive Train Control (PTC)

Mr. Kesich was instrumental in ensuring that the design and implementation of the PTC system at a large commuter railroad property was completed and adhered to mandated timelines.  Starting in 2006, he was directly involved in implementing an Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System (ACSES) within that railroad’s operating...

Operations Improvements, Projects, change management, commuter rail, fleet, statistical sampling

Improved Rolling Stock Reliability

On behalf of a major passenger carrier in the Northeast, Mr. Kesich led a group of diverse subject matter experts to deliver cost-effective design improvements and scheduled maintenance programs for their diverse rolling stock fleets: Transitioned processes from being reactive and variable to a proactive and stable environment...

Operations Improvements, Projects, commuter rail, fleet, investment planning

ABB FL9-AC and GE P32AC Advanced Technology Dual Mode Locomotives

Mr. Kesich worked to implement and integrate advanced AC Traction propulsion and control systems into the Commuter Rail environment. These single unit locomotives haul seven coaches providing a one-seat ride between non-electrified and 700VDC third rail territories. Refined adhesion management algorithms Coordinated 700VDC power delivery and protection systems...

Planning & Management, Projects, bus, fleet, investment planning

Bus Capital Long Range Planning

We created a bus fleet investment plan for two bus systems under Reddy Analytics leader’s management. Such a plan was needed because these two systems had large and diversified fleets, with differences in bus fleet types and propulsion. One system had 4,500 buses and another with 1,200 buses.  The...

Planning & Management, Projects, bus, fleet, investment planning, scheduling/service planning

Bus Route and Fleet Capacity Sketch Planning Model

During a period of high and growing bus ridership at a large city bus system, there was a need to systematically and quickly identify the routes and time periods that needed increases and where buses could be harvested at identified declines.  With approximately 4,500 buses operating on 235...

Planning & Management, Publications, data analytics, fleet, subway

Observed Customer Seating and Standing Behavior and Seat Preferences on Board Subway Cars in New York City

An observational sampling methodology was used to explore seat occupancy patterns in New York City subway cars. The study was performed under uncrowded conditions on the basis of special attributes of what otherwise were highly homogeneous plastic bench seats. Onboard seating patterns, measured as relative seat occupancy probabilities,...

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