Operations improvement projects

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  • change management (10)
  • operating techniques (9)
  • commuter rail (8)
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Operations Improvements, Projects, automatic vehicle location, bus, operating techniques

Bus Rapid Transit Speed Improvements and GPS Tracking

Mr. Irick managed a broad range of customer-focused initiatives to improve bus service.  These included  partnering with the NYC Department of Transportation to improve bus speeds and service reliability by implementing Select Bus Service (SBS) Bus Rapid Transit routes and piloting Traffic Signaling Priority (TSP) technologies.  Mr. Irick...

Operations Improvements, Projects, change management, commuter rail, fleet, infrastructure, investment planning, operating techniques, signal system

Design and Implementation of Positive Train Control (PTC)

Mr. Kesich was instrumental in ensuring that the design and implementation of the PTC system at a large commuter railroad property was completed and adhered to mandated timelines.  Starting in 2006, he was directly involved in implementing an Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System (ACSES) within that railroad’s operating...

Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, change management, scheduling/service planning

Securing Labor Agreements Enabling Express Bus Split-Runs

As Senior Director of Bus Schedules for a major property, Mr. Gilkin participated as a support role in labor negotiations. His staff analyzed contract demands, their operational impacts and estimated cost impacts to the negotiating team.  In particular he participated in negotiating a precedent-setting agreement during an expansion of...

Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, change management, data analytics, performance

Comprehensive Interactive Bus Performance Indicators – “Buses As a Business”

One of Mr. Irick’s biggest challenges was maintaining quality service in a fast and ever-changing environment on a large city bus system where all stakeholders demanded more transparency and accountability.  As such, he led by his signature guiding principle of “Buses as a Business”.  He advanced the basic...

Operations Improvements, Projects, change management, operating techniques, subway

Chicago Orange Line One Person Train Operation

As a Principal Planner at the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) in the early 1980’s, Mr. Gaul was assigned to the Orange Line design project. He initiated the planning efforts that allowed for the implementation of One Person Train Operation (OPTO) on the new line. Although CTA had pioneered...

Operations Improvements, Projects, commuter rail, operating techniques

Low Rail Adhesion Operating Environments

At one passenger rail operator in the Northeast, Mr. Kesich provided technical leadership and facilitated improvements to their ability to safely and reliably provide service during low rail adhesion conditions.  To accomplish this multi-disciplinary goal, he took a scientific and multi-pronged approach to the problem, by engaging with...

Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, change management, commuter rail, highway, industrial engineering, investment planning, operating techniques, performance, strategy, subway

Improving Safety Through Strategic Planning

As manager of policy at the headquarters of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Philip Plotch had a leading role developing a strategic business plan for the organization. This direction-setting blueprint established three fundamental goals — to improve safety, customer satisfaction and cost effectiveness — for the MTA’s agencies...

Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, data analytics, fleet, industrial engineering

Reliability Based Maintenance and Emissions Reduction for Bus Fleet

Mr. Irick launched a rigorous system-wide review while leveraging of advances in technology and staff development for the large city bus system under his management.  This resulted in improvements in several key areas by Mr. Irick and his management team: Tripling Mean Distance (miles) Between Failures (MDBF) in...

Operations Improvements, Projects, automatic vehicle location, commuter rail, fleet, infrastructure

Wayside Monitoring and Diagnostic System (WMDS)

We worked to implement extensive on-board diagnostic and monitoring systems for rolling stock on behalf of a major passenger carrier in order to ensure fleet reliability and minimal cost.  Prior to the implementation of WMDS systems, the carrier relied on paper reports from operating staff to track failure...

Operations Improvements, Projects, operating techniques, performance, subway

Enhanced Train Service Regulation in Very High Volume Corridor

Reddy Analytics leader was responsible for transportation operations on the numbered lines. These included the Lexington Ave corridor, the most overcrowded rapid transit line in North America. During his tenure, he developed and directed a comprehensive program that improved subway service reliability and capacity on Lexington Ave by...

Buzzmaestro, Operations Improvements, Projects, fleet, industrial engineering, investment planning, statistical sampling, subway

Observational Study of Subway Customer Seat Preferences

For a major metro system, we performed an observational study of how customers tended to distribute themselves within each vehicle, with a view towards making recommendations about vehicle design (e.g. door, pole, and seat placement), and to reduce station dwell time.  The plastic bench seats installed are otherwise...

Operations Improvements, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, change management, infrastructure, scheduling/service planning

Bus Network Redesign and Bus Lane Improvements

Mr. Irick presided over a strategic plan to comprehensively improve bus services, referred to as a “Buses Action Plan” part of an agency-wide Fast Forward Initiative.   Completed and delivered to the large transit agency’s Board of Directors and the public in under six months, the plan identified specific...

Operations Improvements, Projects, change management, infrastructure, investment planning, operating techniques, subway

Transition from Metro Command to Rail Control Center

Traditionally, the responsibility of the Subway Command Center at NYCT was limited to managing the response to major incidents and emergencies affecting service. Responsibility for routine service monitoring and control on the NYC subway system rested with a literal army of field supervisors and tower operators, scattered across...

Operations Improvements, Projects, change management, data analytics, infrastructure, investment planning, journey time reduction, operating techniques, performance, signal system, statistical sampling, subway

Train Speed & Safety Task Force

The Reddy Analytics team members were instrumental in providing irrefutable evidence from signal system data that demonstrated the dramatic and immediate impact of recalibrating “grade timers” on one of the busiest rapid transit systems in the nation.  At the time, there was a debate internal to the transit...

Operations Improvements, Projects, commuter rail, fleet, investment planning

ABB FL9-AC and GE P32AC Advanced Technology Dual Mode Locomotives

Mr. Kesich worked to implement and integrate advanced AC Traction propulsion and control systems into the Commuter Rail environment. These single unit locomotives haul seven coaches providing a one-seat ride between non-electrified and 700VDC third rail territories. Refined adhesion management algorithms Coordinated 700VDC power delivery and protection systems...

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