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  • economic development (2)
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Planning & Management, Publications, automated fare collection, bus, scheduling/service planning

Strategic Look at Friday Exceptions in Weekday Schedules for Urban Transit

This paper describes a strategic business case for weekday exception scheduling in urban transit services, specifically, treating Fridays differently from other weekdays. As commuters trend toward more flexible work scheduling, telecommuting arrangements, and 4 1/2-day weeks, gaps between midweek and Friday ridership volumes have widened. Exception schedules neither...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, data analytics, scheduling/service planning

Business Case for Friday Exception Schedules in Urban Transit

For a major regional transit authority, we developed a strategic business case for providing separate baseline schedules on Fridays distinct from other weekdays due to significantly different time-of-day and geographical ridership patterns. At that time, regular commuters were trending towards more flexible work scheduling, telecommuting arrangements, and 4½-day...

Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, bus, scheduling/service planning

Algorithm to Measure Daily Bus Passenger Miles Using Electronic Farebox Data for National Transit Database Section 15 Reporting

New York City Transit (NYCT) implemented an automated algorithm to estimate daily bus unlinked trips, infer passenger miles, and compute average trip lengths by route with the use of transaction data from an entry-only automated fare collection (AFC) system. Total onboard miles are inferred from symmetries in bus...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, data analytics, scheduling/service planning

Measuring Daily Bus Passenger Miles Using Electronic Farebox Data

In one of the first production application for extensive analysis of “big” data in a U.S. transit agency, we designed and implemented a user-friendly computer program that automatically detected and corrected inevitable data errors in the daily Automated Fare Collection (AFC) system transaction log files, and devised an...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, bus, data analytics, scheduling/service planning, subway

Demographic Analyses to Inform Transit Fare Policy

One major U.S. transit agency was proposing a significant round of fare restructuring in the face of a structural deficit, and many fare policy options were being considered.  Some of these proposed fare structures involved significant increases and expected diversions of current customers between different fare products (e.g....

Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, scheduling/service planning, subway

Entry-Only Automated Fare-Collection System Data Used to Infer Ridership, Rider Destinations, Unlinked Trips, and Passenger Miles

All U.S. transit agencies receiving FTA Urbanized Area Formula Program funding under Section 5307 (Section 15) report service consumption statistics (revenue passenger miles and unlinked trips) to the National Transit Database. Passenger miles is an incentive-based funding element that generates millions of dollars annually for New York City...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, bus, change management, data analytics, scheduling/service planning, subway

Transport Equity Analyses for Major Service Changes

On behalf of a major U.S. public transit agency, we developed analytical methodologies and performed demographic analysis to determine the impact of proposed service changes on protected customer groups (minority and low-income).  At that time, a large package of bus service changes was being considered, including changes in...

Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Projects, bus, infrastructure, investment planning, scheduling/service planning, subway

Transit Plan for Major Property Redevelopment

On behalf of a major institutional developer, we worked with a team of consultants to develop a custom trip generation and modal split model to predict the traffic and transit impacts of building out a 9.5 million square feet development over the next 30-50 years on the site...

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