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Operations Improvements, Projects, automated fare collection, data analytics, operating techniques, performance, signal system, subway

Service Intervention Recommendation Engine

SIRE is a web-based real-time decision support tool for dispatchers in the Rail Control Center (RCC). It assesses the current locations and movement patterns of trains, factors in typical ridership patterns, and recommends actions dispatchers should take (e.g., holds, skips) to improve service to maximize the benefit to...

Operations Improvements, Projects, change management, data analytics, infrastructure, investment planning, journey time reduction, operating techniques, performance, signal system, statistical sampling, subway

Train Speed & Safety Task Force

The Reddy Analytics team members were instrumental in providing irrefutable evidence from signal system data that demonstrated the dramatic and immediate impact of recalibrating “grade timers” on one of the busiest rapid transit systems in the nation.  At the time, there was a debate internal to the transit...

Data Analysis, Publications, operating techniques, signal system, subway

Automated Train Identification and Train Position Monitoring at New York City Transit

Like any legacy subway system that first opened in the early 1900s, the New York City subway system operates using technology that dates from many different eras. Although some of this technology may be outdated, efforts to modernize are often hindered by budgetary limits, competing priorities, and managing...

Operations Improvements, Publications, operating techniques, signal system, subway

A Real-Time Service Management Decision Support System for Train Dispatching at New York City Transit

With ridership near modern highs, New York City Transit’s (NYCT) subway network frequently operates at or near capacity. This makes maintaining a high-quality service both challenging, due to the lack of “slack,” and exceptionally important, due to the large number of riders affected by disruptions. To this end,...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, audit, automated fare collection, operating techniques, statistical sampling, subway

Measuring and Controlling Subway Fare Evasion

We were tasked by a major U.S. rapid transit system to determine the true rate of fare evasion at the turnstile, and assess the resulting potential revenue loss.  Working in conjunction with a team of internal auditors, we adopted a stratified sampling methodology and developed methods for discreet...

Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Projects, operating techniques, strategy, subway

International Metro Benchmarking on Governance Frameworks

As a spin-off of a national research and training program, we were tasked to determine through publicly available information why many Southeast Asian transit properties visited by the program delegation have reportedly positive cash flows, i.e. are “profitable”.  We found through a detailed comparative analysis of demand densities,...

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