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  • economic development (2)
  • environmental analysis (2)
  • infrastructure (2)
  • investment planning (2)
  • strategy (2)
  • subway (2)
  • bus (1)
  • commuter rail (1)
  • performance (1)
Planning & Management, Projects, bus, change management, journey time reduction, scheduling/service planning

Express Bus Network Service Redesign

Mr. Irick led the successful implementation of the first-of-its-kind Express Bus Network Redesign for a portion of a large city bus system. This redesign was conducted entirely in-house and encompassed several steps from planning to initial implementation and revision following implementation.  These steps included: Compressed technical effort to...

Data Analysis, Projects, automatic vehicle location, bus, industrial engineering, infrastructure, journey time reduction, operating techniques, statistical sampling

Bus Lane Enforcement Study

We were tasked to examine bus lanes in New York City for differences in enforcement needs based on actual bus speed data from GPS-based automated vehicle locator (AVL) systems.  In New York, bus lanes are utilized for a number of different purposes, such as hosting right turn traffic,...

Data Analysis, Projects, automatic vehicle location, bus, journey time reduction, performance

Geospatial Analyses of Bus Speeds for Route Optimization

We utilized bus running time data from GPS-based automated vehicle locator systems to identify locations where average bus speeds were the lowest in regular service.  The average bus speeds in general on this public transport system were trending downward, but the understanding of the reasons behind the delays...

Operations Improvements, Projects, change management, data analytics, infrastructure, investment planning, journey time reduction, operating techniques, performance, signal system, statistical sampling, subway

Train Speed & Safety Task Force

The Reddy Analytics team members were instrumental in providing irrefutable evidence from signal system data that demonstrated the dramatic and immediate impact of recalibrating “grade timers” on one of the busiest rapid transit systems in the nation.  At the time, there was a debate internal to the transit...

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