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  • subway (48)
  • data analytics (19)
  • bus (17)
  • performance (16)
  • signal system (15)
  • automated fare collection (12)
  • operating techniques (12)
  • investment planning (10)
  • scheduling/service planning (10)
  • infrastructure (9)
Planning & Management, Projects, change management, infrastructure, investment planning, scheduling/service planning, subway

Managing Construction Impacts for the Lenox Invert Project

In 1998, a condition existed that required the compete replacement of the subway floor along a section of the Lenox Ave Line. Passenger volume and network constraints were such that bus substitution was not a viable option. Rail service needed to continue, at least in one direction throughout...

Planning & Management, Projects, bus, fleet, investment planning

Bus Capital Long Range Planning

We created a bus fleet investment plan for two bus systems under Reddy Analytics leader’s management. Such a plan was needed because these two systems had large and diversified fleets, with differences in bus fleet types and propulsion. One system had 4,500 buses and another with 1,200 buses.  The...

Planning & Management, Projects, bus, fleet, investment planning, scheduling/service planning

Bus Route and Fleet Capacity Sketch Planning Model

During a period of high and growing bus ridership at a large city bus system, there was a need to systematically and quickly identify the routes and time periods that needed increases and where buses could be harvested at identified declines.  With approximately 4,500 buses operating on 235...

Operations Improvements, Projects, change management, data analytics, infrastructure, investment planning, journey time reduction, operating techniques, performance, signal system, statistical sampling, subway

Train Speed & Safety Task Force

The Reddy Analytics team members were instrumental in providing irrefutable evidence from signal system data that demonstrated the dramatic and immediate impact of recalibrating “grade timers” on one of the busiest rapid transit systems in the nation.  At the time, there was a debate internal to the transit...

Buzzmaestro, Operations Improvements, Projects, fleet, industrial engineering, investment planning, statistical sampling, subway

Observational Study of Subway Customer Seat Preferences

For a major metro system, we performed an observational study of how customers tended to distribute themselves within each vehicle, with a view towards making recommendations about vehicle design (e.g. door, pole, and seat placement), and to reduce station dwell time.  The plastic bench seats installed are otherwise...

Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Projects, commuter rail, infrastructure, investment planning

Railroad Operations and Alignment Design Support

We provided specialized railroad technical support to a larger planning and engineering team that was performing an environmental impact and alternatives analysis on behalf of a state department of transportation contemplating several options for redeveloping a rail corridor for mixed commuter, intercity rail, and freight transportation use.  Specifically,...

Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Projects, bus, infrastructure, investment planning, scheduling/service planning, subway

Transit Plan for Major Property Redevelopment

On behalf of a major institutional developer, we worked with a team of consultants to develop a custom trip generation and modal split model to predict the traffic and transit impacts of building out a 9.5 million square feet development over the next 30-50 years on the site...

Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Projects, commuter rail, investment planning, strategy

Route Strategies for National Rail Infrastructure Operator

For a national rail infrastructure owner and operator, we provided analytical support to ascertain the various impacts of investment in rail infrastructure on train operations (e.g., route capability, route capacity, and journey time).  Our primary tasks included calibrating a sketch-level train-performance model using field-collected data and limited outputs...


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