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  • economic development (2)
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Planning & Management, Projects, aviation, bus, economic development, highway, infrastructure, investment planning, operating techniques, strategy, subway

Building Coalitions and Mobilizing Public Support

Philip Plotch is the author of the book, Mobilizing the Metropolis,that will bepublished by University of Michigan Press in 2022. The title of the book refers to both the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s mission to improve mobility by land, air, and sea, and its...

Planning & Management, Projects, economic development, infrastructure, investment planning, performance, scheduling/service planning, strategy, subway

Planning a New Subway Line

Philip Plotch is the author of the book, Last Subway: The Long Wait for the Next Train in New York City published by Cornell University Press. The book is the fascinating and dramatic story behind New York’s struggle to build a new subway line under Second Avenue in...

Planning & Management, Projects, economic development, environmental analysis, infrastructure, investment planning, strategy, subway

Redeveloping Manhattan’s West Side

As manager of planning at the headquarters of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Philip Plotch coordinated planning efforts to extend the #7 subway line to Manhattan’s far west side. The plan was linked with a rezoning proposal to accommodate 28 million square feet of new development in the...

Planning & Management, Projects, bus, commuter rail, economic development, environmental analysis, infrastructure, investment planning, performance, strategy, subway

Improving Lower Manhattan’s Transportation Infrastructure and Services After the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

After the September 11, 2001 attacks at the World Trade Center, Philip Plotch was appointed director of transportation and economic policy at the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation. In this role, he developed new transportation programs, conducted transportation studies, and helped establish priorities for the distribution of $2.7 billion...

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