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Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, data analytics, fleet, industrial engineering

Reliability Based Maintenance and Emissions Reduction for Bus Fleet

Mr. Irick launched a rigorous system-wide review while leveraging of advances in technology and staff development for the large city bus system under his management.  This resulted in improvements in several key areas by Mr. Irick and his management team: Tripling Mean Distance (miles) Between Failures (MDBF) in...

Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, change management, data analytics, performance

Comprehensive Interactive Bus Performance Indicators – “Buses As a Business”

One of Mr. Irick’s biggest challenges was maintaining quality service in a fast and ever-changing environment on a large city bus system where all stakeholders demanded more transparency and accountability.  As such, he led by his signature guiding principle of “Buses as a Business”.  He advanced the basic...

Planning & Management, Projects, commuter rail, data analytics, statistical sampling

Implementation of an Energy Management System

In conjunction with one railroad’s funding parent organization, Mr. Kesich’s team designed and implemented a comprehensive Energy Management System. Achieved ISO 50001 Certification in 2018 – First Railroad in North America Implemented Energy Savings Initiatives M8 DC/AC Power Regeneration M7 DC Power Regeneration GCT Water Chiller Replacement Yard...

Data Analysis, Projects, bus, data analytics, performance, subway

Massive Simulation in Performance Metrics to Capture Passenger Experience

As data collection for public transportation improves and customers’ appetite for information grows, there has been a growing interest in performance measurement systems that better reflect customer experience and quantify the impacts of service while accounting for ridership. A fair amount of research has been dedicated to developing...

Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, data analytics, scheduling/service planning, signal system, subway

Subway Service Adjustment in Response to COVID-19 Ridership Changes

The New York City metropolitan area was hard hit by COVID-19, and the pandemic brought with it unprecedented challenges for New York City Transit.  Previously dependable approaches to monitor ridership suddenly became unavailable (e.g., local bus payment data, field checks).  We were tasked to quickly modify existing processes to...

Data Analysis, Projects, bus, data analytics, scheduling/service planning

Transforming the Culture and Improving Analytical Capability of a Bus Scheduling Dept

Mr. Glikin led a department of 30 transit professionals scheduling bus service for a large transit system with 20 bus garages. Over time, Mr. Glikin led a successful transformation of the personnel roster from primarily individuals promoted from first level bus operations supervisor roles, with substantial operating experience,...

Buzzmaestro, Operations Improvements, Publications, commuter rail, data analytics, statistical sampling

Rightsizing the Railway Signal Workforce: a Zero-Based Resourcing Approach Towards Asset Management

Classic asset management approaches begin by inventorying all infrastructure assets and then assigning maintenance tasks and resources. Our approach collects similar data, but by starting with current personnel assignment and describing their job responsibilities and work processes, staff resistance in a railroad infrastructure owner-operator environment is minimized. Resulting...

Buzzmaestro, Operations Improvements, Publications, commuter rail, data analytics, industrial engineering

Power Off! Challenges in Planning and Executing Power Isolations on Shared-Use Electrified Railways

Electric railways are fast, clean, and safe, but complex to operate and maintain. Electric traction infrastructure includes signal power and feeder lines that remain live during isolations and complicate maintenance processes. Stakeholders involved in power outage planning include contractors, linemen, groundmen, power directors, dispatchers, conductor-flag, and support personnel....

Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, automatic vehicle location, bus, data analytics, performance, signal system, statistical sampling, strategy, subway

Benchmarking of Key Transit Performance Indicators

A large transit agency’s cost of operations per passenger, per hour, and per mile was discerned to be very high.  It sought to explore how practices differed from other operators.  Understanding how one’s own system performs against similar peer properties is valuable in deciding on changes in transit...

Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, data analytics, signal system, subway

Real-Time Estimation of Platform Crowding

Amid significant increases in ridership (9.8% over the past 5 years) on the more than 100 year-old New York City Transit (NYCT) subway system, NYCT has become aware of increased crowding on station platforms. Because of limited platform capacity, platforms become crowded even during minor service disruptions. A...

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