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  • economic development (2)
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Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Publications, commuter rail, data analytics, strategy

Geographic Information System Concept of Operations as a First Step Toward Total Enterprise Asset Management: Metro-North Commuter Railroad Case Study

For this enterprise geographic information system (GIS), Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company adopted the concept of operations (ConOps) process to define goals and objectives, inventory existing GIS assets, analyze data gaps, determine “as is” and “to be” business processes, define staffing and resource requirements and project initiatives, and provide...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Publications, commuter rail, data analytics, strategy

Enterprise GIS in a Commuter Rail Environment: State-of-Practice at a Major Northeastern Carrier

Triggered by both Superstorm Sandy aftermath and a minor operational incident—where accurate and rapid mapping would have been tremendously helpful—Metro-North Commuter Railroad deployed its first Enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS) in 2012 by federating existing departmental systems, creating a companywide Office of GIS Coordination, promulgating GIS policies and...

Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Publications, commuter rail

Zen and the Art of Commuter Rail Operations: Taiwan Railways Administration’s Design, Operations, and Philosophy

This paper offers a review of ideas and practices making Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) unique and distinctively different to North American commuter railroads, based on two weeks’ field observation, published sources, authors’ cultural knowledge, and discussions with locals. Unlike most transit systems, TRA accommodates different trip purposes and...

Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Publications, commuter rail, strategy

Organizational Regimes for Commuter Rail: Improving Train Service Worldwide

Developments in the ownership and control of railroads affect commuter rail. Vertical integration and open access are widely seen as mutually exclusive options for rail reform. North American railroads were relieved of passenger service obligations and granted commercial freedom to improve profitability—all within the vertically integrated tradition. In...

Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Projects, commuter rail, infrastructure, investment planning

Railroad Operations and Alignment Design Support

We provided specialized railroad technical support to a larger planning and engineering team that was performing an environmental impact and alternatives analysis on behalf of a state department of transportation contemplating several options for redeveloping a rail corridor for mixed commuter, intercity rail, and freight transportation use.  Specifically,...

Buzzmaestro, Planning & Management, Projects, commuter rail, investment planning, strategy

Route Strategies for National Rail Infrastructure Operator

For a national rail infrastructure owner and operator, we provided analytical support to ascertain the various impacts of investment in rail infrastructure on train operations (e.g., route capability, route capacity, and journey time).  Our primary tasks included calibrating a sketch-level train-performance model using field-collected data and limited outputs...

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