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Data Analysis, Projects, automatic vehicle location, bus, industrial engineering, infrastructure, journey time reduction, operating techniques, statistical sampling

Bus Lane Enforcement Study

We were tasked to examine bus lanes in New York City for differences in enforcement needs based on actual bus speed data from GPS-based automated vehicle locator (AVL) systems.  In New York, bus lanes are utilized for a number of different purposes, such as hosting right turn traffic,...

Planning & Management, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, data analytics, scheduling/service planning

Prioritization Process to Identify Routes Requiring Rescheduling

Over two million trips are taken every weekday across the New York City Transit (NYCT) bus network. Revising the schedules for each of these routes is a labor-intensive process, and, thanks to limited resources, fewer than half of all routes are examined each year. Traditionally, schedules have been...

Data Analysis, Projects, automatic vehicle location, bus, journey time reduction, performance

Geospatial Analyses of Bus Speeds for Route Optimization

We utilized bus running time data from GPS-based automated vehicle locator systems to identify locations where average bus speeds were the lowest in regular service.  The average bus speeds in general on this public transport system were trending downward, but the understanding of the reasons behind the delays...

Planning & Management, Publications, automatic vehicle location, bus, performance

Customer Journey Time Metrics for New York City Bus Service using Big Data

As data collection for public transportation improves and customers’ appetite for information grows, there has been a growing interest in performance measurement systems that better reflect customer experience and quantify the impacts of service while accounting for ridership. A fair amount of research has been dedicated to developing...

Planning & Management, Publications, automated fare collection, bus, scheduling/service planning

A Data-Driven Approach to Prioritizing Bus Schedule Revisions at New York City Transit

Over two million trips are taken every weekday across the New York City Transit (NYCT) bus network. Revising the schedules for each of these routes is a labor-intensive process, and because of limited resources, fewer than half of all routes are examined each year. Traditionally, schedules have been...

Planning & Management, Publications, automated fare collection, automatic vehicle location, bus, scheduling/service planning

Transforming Bus Service Planning Using Integrated Electronic Data Sources at NYC Transit

The installation of an Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system alongside existing Automated Fare Collection (AFC) data spurred development of an inferred bus boarding and alighting ridership model at New York City Transit (NYCT), allowing for 100% passenger origin-destination (O-D) data citywide. Analysis techniques that relied primarily on professional...

Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, automatic vehicle location, bus, scheduling/service planning

Development of Application for Estimating Daily Boarding and Alighting Counts on New York City Buses

To support bus service scheduling and planning, New York City Transit (NYCT) put into production a ridership application to determine surface transit boarding and alighting locations for each of approximately 2.8 million daily passenger trips on 218 bus routes. The application combined data from an automated vehicle location...

Planning & Management, Publications, automatic vehicle location, bus, performance

Development of Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) Data Based System to Improve Bus Service at New York City Transit

MTA Bus Time is an Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) system utilizing Global Positioning Systems (GPS) hardware and wireless communications technology to track real-time location of New York City buses. This paper describes the challenges and coordination required in developing a Bus Time data based analysis system to replace...

Operations Improvements, Publications, bus, data analytics, equity, subway

Maintaining Key Services While Retaining Core Values: NYC Transit’s Environmental Justice Strategies

In a recession, transit agencies aim to provide key services while retaining national core values. When making service changes, federal funding recipients are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, or national origin and must not place undue burden on Environmental Justice (EJ) populations. To ensure...

Planning & Management, Publications, automated fare collection, bus, scheduling/service planning

Strategic Look at Friday Exceptions in Weekday Schedules for Urban Transit

This paper describes a strategic business case for weekday exception scheduling in urban transit services, specifically, treating Fridays differently from other weekdays. As commuters trend toward more flexible work scheduling, telecommuting arrangements, and 4 1/2-day weeks, gaps between midweek and Friday ridership volumes have widened. Exception schedules neither...

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