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Planning & Management, Projects, aviation, bus, economic development, highway, infrastructure, investment planning, operating techniques, strategy, subway

Building Coalitions and Mobilizing Public Support

Philip Plotch is the author of the book, Mobilizing the Metropolis,that will bepublished by University of Michigan Press in 2022. The title of the book refers to both the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s mission to improve mobility by land, air, and sea, and its...

Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, change management, commuter rail, highway, industrial engineering, investment planning, operating techniques, performance, strategy, subway

Improving Safety Through Strategic Planning

As manager of policy at the headquarters of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Philip Plotch had a leading role developing a strategic business plan for the organization. This direction-setting blueprint established three fundamental goals — to improve safety, customer satisfaction and cost effectiveness — for the MTA’s agencies...

Planning & Management, Projects, bus, commuter rail, economic development, environmental analysis, infrastructure, investment planning, performance, strategy, subway

Improving Lower Manhattan’s Transportation Infrastructure and Services After the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

After the September 11, 2001 attacks at the World Trade Center, Philip Plotch was appointed director of transportation and economic policy at the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation. In this role, he developed new transportation programs, conducted transportation studies, and helped establish priorities for the distribution of $2.7 billion...

Operations Improvements, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, change management, infrastructure, scheduling/service planning

Bus Network Redesign and Bus Lane Improvements

Mr. Irick presided over a strategic plan to comprehensively improve bus services, referred to as a “Buses Action Plan” part of an agency-wide Fast Forward Initiative.   Completed and delivered to the large transit agency’s Board of Directors and the public in under six months, the plan identified specific...

Planning & Management, Projects, bus, change management, journey time reduction, scheduling/service planning

Express Bus Network Service Redesign

Mr. Irick led the successful implementation of the first-of-its-kind Express Bus Network Redesign for a portion of a large city bus system. This redesign was conducted entirely in-house and encompassed several steps from planning to initial implementation and revision following implementation.  These steps included: Compressed technical effort to...

Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, data analytics, fleet, industrial engineering

Reliability Based Maintenance and Emissions Reduction for Bus Fleet

Mr. Irick launched a rigorous system-wide review while leveraging of advances in technology and staff development for the large city bus system under his management.  This resulted in improvements in several key areas by Mr. Irick and his management team: Tripling Mean Distance (miles) Between Failures (MDBF) in...

Operations Improvements, Projects, bus, change management, data analytics, performance

Comprehensive Interactive Bus Performance Indicators – “Buses As a Business”

One of Mr. Irick’s biggest challenges was maintaining quality service in a fast and ever-changing environment on a large city bus system where all stakeholders demanded more transparency and accountability.  As such, he led by his signature guiding principle of “Buses as a Business”.  He advanced the basic...

Operations Improvements, Projects, automatic vehicle location, bus, operating techniques

Bus Rapid Transit Speed Improvements and GPS Tracking

Mr. Irick managed a broad range of customer-focused initiatives to improve bus service.  These included  partnering with the NYC Department of Transportation to improve bus speeds and service reliability by implementing Select Bus Service (SBS) Bus Rapid Transit routes and piloting Traffic Signaling Priority (TSP) technologies.  Mr. Irick...

Data Analysis, Projects, bus, data analytics, performance, subway

Massive Simulation in Performance Metrics to Capture Passenger Experience

As data collection for public transportation improves and customers’ appetite for information grows, there has been a growing interest in performance measurement systems that better reflect customer experience and quantify the impacts of service while accounting for ridership. A fair amount of research has been dedicated to developing...

Data Analysis, Projects, bus, data analytics, scheduling/service planning

Transforming the Culture and Improving Analytical Capability of a Bus Scheduling Dept

Mr. Glikin led a department of 30 transit professionals scheduling bus service for a large transit system with 20 bus garages. Over time, Mr. Glikin led a successful transformation of the personnel roster from primarily individuals promoted from first level bus operations supervisor roles, with substantial operating experience,...

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