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  • economic development (2)
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Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, data analytics, scheduling/service planning

Measuring Daily Bus Passenger Miles Using Electronic Farebox Data

In one of the first production application for extensive analysis of “big” data in a U.S. transit agency, we designed and implemented a user-friendly computer program that automatically detected and corrected inevitable data errors in the daily Automated Fare Collection (AFC) system transaction log files, and devised an...

Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, bus, equity, subway

Using Quantitative Methods in Equity and Demographic Analysis to Inform Transit Fare Restructuring Decisions

New York City Transit (NYCT) and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority have integrated race and income equity considerations into their extensive public outreach processes for fare changes. Responding to FTA civil rights, Title VI, and environmental justice requirements, NYCT developed two quantitative and analytical approaches for fore-casting equity impacts...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, change management, data analytics, signal system, subway

Developing Performance Measures for a New Management Framework

For a large public transit agency, we developed a series of aggregate performance measures using a balanced scorecard framework to support the roll-out of an operations management restructuring program designed to provide a single point of accountability for service on each rail line. The rail lines have shared...

Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, scheduling/service planning, subway

Entry-Only Automated Fare-Collection System Data Used to Infer Ridership, Rider Destinations, Unlinked Trips, and Passenger Miles

All U.S. transit agencies receiving FTA Urbanized Area Formula Program funding under Section 5307 (Section 15) report service consumption statistics (revenue passenger miles and unlinked trips) to the National Transit Database. Passenger miles is an incentive-based funding element that generates millions of dollars annually for New York City...

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