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  • economic development (2)
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Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, signal system, subway

Real-Time Estimation of Platform Crowding for New York City Subway: Case Study at Wall Street Station on No. 2 and No. 3 Lines in Financial District

Amid significant increases in ridership (9.8% over the past 5 years) on the more than 100 year-old New York City Transit (NYCT) subway system, NYCT has become aware of increased crowding on station platforms. Because of limited platform capacity, platforms become crowded even during minor service disruptions. A...

Planning & Management, Publications, automated fare collection, automatic vehicle location, bus, scheduling/service planning

Transforming Bus Service Planning Using Integrated Electronic Data Sources at NYC Transit

The installation of an Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system alongside existing Automated Fare Collection (AFC) data spurred development of an inferred bus boarding and alighting ridership model at New York City Transit (NYCT), allowing for 100% passenger origin-destination (O-D) data citywide. Analysis techniques that relied primarily on professional...

Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, scheduling/service planning, signal system, subway

Time-Expanded Network Model of Train-Level Subway Ridership Flows Using Actual Train Movement Data

Subway ridership estimates are important to transit operators for both internal applications (e.g., setting service frequencies, prioritizing station upgrades) and external reporting (e.g., to the National Transit Database). New York City Transit (NYCT) is developing a new model that will accomplish three primary objectives: (a) estimating subway ridership...

Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, automatic vehicle location, bus, scheduling/service planning

Development of Application for Estimating Daily Boarding and Alighting Counts on New York City Buses

To support bus service scheduling and planning, New York City Transit (NYCT) put into production a ridership application to determine surface transit boarding and alighting locations for each of approximately 2.8 million daily passenger trips on 218 bus routes. The application combined data from an automated vehicle location...

Planning & Management, Publications, automated fare collection, bus, scheduling/service planning

Strategic Look at Friday Exceptions in Weekday Schedules for Urban Transit

This paper describes a strategic business case for weekday exception scheduling in urban transit services, specifically, treating Fridays differently from other weekdays. As commuters trend toward more flexible work scheduling, telecommuting arrangements, and 4 1/2-day weeks, gaps between midweek and Friday ridership volumes have widened. Exception schedules neither...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, data analytics, scheduling/service planning

Business Case for Friday Exception Schedules in Urban Transit

For a major regional transit authority, we developed a strategic business case for providing separate baseline schedules on Fridays distinct from other weekdays due to significantly different time-of-day and geographical ridership patterns. At that time, regular commuters were trending towards more flexible work scheduling, telecommuting arrangements, and 4½-day...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, audit, automated fare collection, operating techniques, statistical sampling, subway

Measuring and Controlling Subway Fare Evasion

We were tasked by a major U.S. rapid transit system to determine the true rate of fare evasion at the turnstile, and assess the resulting potential revenue loss.  Working in conjunction with a team of internal auditors, we adopted a stratified sampling methodology and developed methods for discreet...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, audit, automated fare collection, bus, statistical sampling

Bus Fare Collection System Audits

For a large regional bus company, we performed a series of fare payment system related audits to support a number of management initiatives and special projects.  In response to a perception that fare abuse is an issue on certain bus routes, we conducted systemwide measurements to estimate the...

Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, data analytics, subway

Measuring and Controlling Subway Fare Evasion

New York City Transit (NYCT) has a comprehensive framework for assessing, managing, and combating subway fare evasion. The automated fare collection system, implemented between 1994 and 1997, features lessons learned from field trials of prototypes specifically designed to limit fare abuse. Subway crime has decreased 68% since 2000,...

Data Analysis, Publications, automated fare collection, bus, scheduling/service planning

Algorithm to Measure Daily Bus Passenger Miles Using Electronic Farebox Data for National Transit Database Section 15 Reporting

New York City Transit (NYCT) implemented an automated algorithm to estimate daily bus unlinked trips, infer passenger miles, and compute average trip lengths by route with the use of transaction data from an entry-only automated fare collection (AFC) system. Total onboard miles are inferred from symmetries in bus...

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