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  • economic development (2)
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Operations Improvements, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, change management, infrastructure, scheduling/service planning

Bus Network Redesign and Bus Lane Improvements

Mr. Irick presided over a strategic plan to comprehensively improve bus services, referred to as a “Buses Action Plan” part of an agency-wide Fast Forward Initiative.   Completed and delivered to the large transit agency’s Board of Directors and the public in under six months, the plan identified specific...

Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, data analytics, scheduling/service planning, signal system, subway

Subway Service Adjustment in Response to COVID-19 Ridership Changes

The New York City metropolitan area was hard hit by COVID-19, and the pandemic brought with it unprecedented challenges for New York City Transit.  Previously dependable approaches to monitor ridership suddenly became unavailable (e.g., local bus payment data, field checks).  We were tasked to quickly modify existing processes to...

Planning & Management, Publications, automated fare collection, bus, scheduling/service planning, subway

An Examination of New York City Transit’s Bus and Subway Ridership Trends during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The New York City metropolitan area was hard hit by COVID-19, and the pandemic brought with it unprecedented challenges for New York City Transit. This paper addresses techniques used to estimate dramatically changing ridership, at a time when previously dependable sources suddenly became unavailable (e.g., local bus payment...

Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, automatic vehicle location, bus, data analytics, performance, signal system, statistical sampling, strategy, subway

Benchmarking of Key Transit Performance Indicators

A large transit agency’s cost of operations per passenger, per hour, and per mile was discerned to be very high.  It sought to explore how practices differed from other operators.  Understanding how one’s own system performs against similar peer properties is valuable in deciding on changes in transit...

Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, automatic vehicle location, bus, scheduling/service planning

Bus Route Restructuring Using Origin-Destination Data

The installation of an Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) system alongside existing Automated Fare Collection (AFC) data on all New York City buses spurred development of a city-wide bus passenger boarding and alighting ridership model. These advances in ridership modeling allowed for analysis of trip passenger loads and 100%...

Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, data analytics, signal system, subway

Real-Time Estimation of Platform Crowding

Amid significant increases in ridership (9.8% over the past 5 years) on the more than 100 year-old New York City Transit (NYCT) subway system, NYCT has become aware of increased crowding on station platforms. Because of limited platform capacity, platforms become crowded even during minor service disruptions. A...

Planning & Management, Projects, automated fare collection, bus, data analytics, scheduling/service planning

Prioritization Process to Identify Routes Requiring Rescheduling

Over two million trips are taken every weekday across the New York City Transit (NYCT) bus network. Revising the schedules for each of these routes is a labor-intensive process, and, thanks to limited resources, fewer than half of all routes are examined each year. Traditionally, schedules have been...

Operations Improvements, Projects, automated fare collection, data analytics, operating techniques, performance, signal system, subway

Service Intervention Recommendation Engine

SIRE is a web-based real-time decision support tool for dispatchers in the Rail Control Center (RCC). It assesses the current locations and movement patterns of trains, factors in typical ridership patterns, and recommends actions dispatchers should take (e.g., holds, skips) to improve service to maximize the benefit to...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, automated fare collection, commuter rail, data analytics, scheduling/service planning

Inferring Commuter Rail Ridership from Ticket Sales Data

We were tasked by a major commuter rail operator to analyze ticket sales data to determine ridership with origin-destination and time-of-day detail.  The operator had four distinct sales channels: mobile ticketing, paper ticket vending machines, monthly direct-mail ticket subscriptions, and on-board sales by train crew.  The mobile ticket...

Planning & Management, Publications, automated fare collection, bus, scheduling/service planning

A Data-Driven Approach to Prioritizing Bus Schedule Revisions at New York City Transit

Over two million trips are taken every weekday across the New York City Transit (NYCT) bus network. Revising the schedules for each of these routes is a labor-intensive process, and because of limited resources, fewer than half of all routes are examined each year. Traditionally, schedules have been...

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