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Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, audit, automated fare collection, operating techniques, statistical sampling, subway

Measuring and Controlling Subway Fare Evasion

We were tasked by a major U.S. rapid transit system to determine the true rate of fare evasion at the turnstile, and assess the resulting potential revenue loss.  Working in conjunction with a team of internal auditors, we adopted a stratified sampling methodology and developed methods for discreet...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, audit, automated fare collection, bus, statistical sampling

Bus Fare Collection System Audits

For a large regional bus company, we performed a series of fare payment system related audits to support a number of management initiatives and special projects.  In response to a perception that fare abuse is an issue on certain bus routes, we conducted systemwide measurements to estimate the...

Buzzmaestro, Data Analysis, Projects, audit, statistical sampling

Statistical Sampling for Electronic Toll Road Transaction Audit

On behalf of the internal audit group at a large regional transportation agency, we designed a stratified statistical sample for determining the true rate of toll evasion on electronic Radio Frequency Indentification (RFID)-based toll collection systems.  The system is owned by a multi-state consortium, thus subject to interagency...

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