Mr. Irick managed a broad range of customer-focused initiatives to improve bus service. These included partnering with the NYC Department of Transportation to improve bus speeds and service reliability by implementing Select Bus Service (SBS) Bus Rapid Transit routes and piloting Traffic Signaling Priority (TSP) technologies. Mr. Irick led the launch and implementation of Real-Time GPS tracking technology throughout the entire bus and paratransit fleet. This revolutionary and foundational technology was the enabling force behind the customer facing products of “Bus Time” and “Bus Trek”. These two interactive interfaces empowered both customers and management personnel by removing the “suspense” from the journey by allowing customers to see when their bus will arrive on either their mobile devices, tablets or computers. Finally, Mr. Irick presided over construction launch of a new State-of-the Art Buses Command Center which will, for the first time, centralize all management real-time bus route performance and incident management in a single location,
Through these enabling tools and initiatives, Mr. Irick inspired operational excellence amongst management and supervision by enabling faster and more effective response to service problems and interruptions. His passion and relentless efforts around the delivery of service was infectious and led to unprecedented performance improvements in the reliability of individual bus routes. .